Gregory Vance
Software Developer

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About me

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Hi, I'm Greg. I'm a software developer, computer scientist, and problem solver. I enjoy learning, and love exploring how software can solve problems. I am interested in cloud computing, cybersecurity, and all things development. Prior to completing a B.Sc in Computer Science, I built extensive experience in customer service, and client satisfaction.

I have experience in full stack development, networking, database development, and computer security. I spent three years on the leadership team of the Information Security Club at the University of Calgary and helped support and develop the annual magpieCTF competition.

When I'm not in front of my computer, I can be found board gaming, and spending time with my family and friends.

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Travel Guide

Travel Guide is a project to explore database design and development. The database was modelled and normalized iteratively to understand good database design principles. For ease in development and deployment the project utilizes Docker, which allows a single command to launch the entire application. A RESTful API built with Node, and ExpressJS is used to handle requests and interact with the MySQL database.

Source Code

Gambyt Solutions

Gambyt Solutions is a task tracking app built to explore distributed systems. The backend is built in Java using Spring Boot and includes a proxy server to manage all requests, and connections, and a distributed backend database. In order to ensure that the service is always available, each component is monitored and will automatically restart in the event of a failure, and then obtain the most up to date information.

Spring Boot
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Yelp Camp

Full stack web application built with JavaScript. This application allows users to create and review campsites. A Mongo database stores all relevant information, and is interacted with using a RESTful API. Pictures can be uploaded and stored on the cloud, and geodata is used to show the location of each site on a map. (To view live, please allow time for the project to be spun up)

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